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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Greetings every one , thank you all for your nice feedback, sorry i have not posted of late i have been  very busy  with  new clients from Check a trade, i promise to add new pictures and new posts for you , however i have posted some on my face book account you can like my page :)  the link is

feel free to end me a message and comment on posts 

Kindest regards
Doctor C

Friday, 27 April 2012

Carpet Doctors New Prescription

     Something prescribed as a rule.

a. A written order, especially by a physician, for the preparation and administration of a medicine or other treatment to Carpet/ Upholstery etc.

[Middle English prescripcionestablishment of a claim, from Old French prescription, from Medieval Latin praescrpti, praescrptin-, from Latin, introduction, precept, from praescrptus, past participle of praescrbereto order; seeprescribe.]

                Dr  (Ax) & prescribe Treatment ( Rh)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Hello everyone 2012 Spring has arrived as the birds are eating lots of  seeds and loving the bird homemade  fat balls! and swimming in the water baths, I have already started growing flora and foliage especially wild flowers, sweet peas , sun flowers  on my lawn for the bees and butter flies etc. Also I have been enjoying  washing  Carpet Doctors trusty Emergency Services  Bipper Ambulance  at the weekends - great form of meditation as like looking at bright Venus & Jupiter as well as red Mars , Mercury, Saturn. Unfortunately Uranus & Neptune are out of site with naked eye- a wonderful alignment .  

So we are  pleased to announce our springy deal please follow this link       Half price fabric protection treatment ;)

Buying beautiful flowers isn’t always as simple as picking up the phone or wandering into a florist shop; it requires just a little bit of thought to get the most out of your arrangement, just like  Carpet Doctors analysis of each carpet/upholstery  that needs cleaning, we dedicate ourselves on our specialist knowledge.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Welcome back to the Dr's S.W.A.T team, recently we were called the carpet cleaning Jedi's by a client, we appreciate this after sweat blood and tears removing stains and dirt from  carpets. 

One procedure is checking the pH of a carpet to know what solutions to use on any particular stain etc. age and depth is also a factor, if we are not successful after the drying procedure we rush back to treat the carpet again at no expense until 100% satisfied. Reflective practice, clinical reasoning skills you could say and client sat is key to our practice.

This particular clients light fluffy carpet  had stubborn stains not only on the main carpet area but  in the door ways and along the skirting boards, this soiling is due to air containing pollution passing through the gaps in the boards. This air produces micro soil deposits that build up over time as the house breaths. Micro particles of soil that get trapped and lay hence air filtration soiling. If you suspect you may develop please hover the corners all the time with a tube and wipe with damp white terry towel. This spoilage can be prevented however if left  for a long period of time it can penetrate into the backing of the carpet  making it  very hard to remove the very fine dirt which also cause permanent staining. The Dr's can treat this with special solutions however it is up to the client to be aware of this to prevent this build up happening to a critical mass.

 "AHHH EWWW Again  stains, i do perceive soiling filtration, you no hoover i see ! Master  to fear not clean once again  MMMMM  "!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

A Happy Gay  New Year to all our clients and new referrals!, hope 2012 is a good one for you all. Here at HQ the Doctors are busy as usual with emergency call outs putting PRIDE back into cleaning needs.

Recently we have been dealing with questions regarding  dust mites  and treating carpets/ upholstery as well as mattresses with such, due to  the mellow weather we have been having we have seen an increase in mite control. The Doctors advice our clients to use  a regular regime of vacuuming and strongly suggest professional carpet cleaning will keeps mites in check. Humans have co-excited with  these types of creatures  since recorded time.  Mostly harmless to us they are inextricable linked moreover a  valuable link in the  vast Eco system. However 'importantly'  if left untreated strong clinical  evidence suggests ( Newmeir, 2012) mites can contribute to symptoms related to asthma in accute suffers and furthermore skin complaints can arise (ASTHMA UK, 2001) .

Call the Doctors if you are concerned we will  be on call  to treat